Canada's Author-it Reseller is ready to serve you!
When you're considering investing in a powerful content management system you need a supplier who is not just a reseller, but one who has a reputation for helping you decide on just the right configuration and elements that you need: FundaMedia is that reseller.
Appointed as a Reseller in 2001, we are the "oldest" sales partner of Author-it, and have worked with clients in a wide range of industries across Canada (and beyond) to help them purchase and set up Author-it, in the Cloud or OnPremises.
Author-it is a subscription-based user model, meaning that you license the use of the software for a specific term: when that term expires, you would either renew the subscription or remove your content from the system.
How do you benefit from buying Author-it from us?
- We don't have any "must sell" quotas to meet: rather, we guide you through a 30-day trial that enables you to gain a better understanding of Author-it using your own content.
- We value our clients, and like each one to feel that they are the only client we have! The relationship is important to us, and we take pains to understand what you need and not to try to sell you services or modules that you will not use.
- We have the experience and resources to help you maximize your investment: if we learn that you need help with converting a lot of legacy content from another system we can do that for you, or even help you by developing new content for a particular project.
- We go to bat for you. We will do our best to get the best terms for you with Author-it, or to structure the best subscription growth plan to suit your needs. Why buy subscription licences early if you do not need them? Contact us to learn what we can do for you.
- Investing in training makes sound business sense: our acclaimed Author-it training is customized to suit your needs, and is delivered either on-site or via the web, at times that fit with your team. Author-it Software Corporation themselves have contracted Mike Levey many times to conduct training and other complex project work for their own clients: as they say "he has a wealth of experience working with clients to both configure systems and train users". If you need help we can be there for you!
- Mike Levey (founder of FundaMedia) was one of the first to be appointed an Author-it Certified Consultant. Since then he has also served as an Author-it Global Services Consultant, and his wide experience in solving what some clients were told were "impossible" tasks is a vital asset to you in strengthening your Author-it team and publications. We don't just sell you a system: we put together a complete solution for your organization, including the system, training and support, designed to help you succeed.
- An add-in to enable easy publishing to PowerPoint:
Anyone who has tried to use the Author-it supplied PowerPoint add-in will know just how difficult and constraining that is to use. Our method works for all text, tables and images that can reasonably display on a slide. Now you can fully apply the power of single sourcing with Author-it to meet your training presentation requirements. Get your free trial today!